Conception and running of servers
We operate even since our foundation several productive servers in the form of
web servers/workgroup servers and firewalls/routers. Thus we have collected
comprehensive know-how with the relevant server services (HTTP/FTP/Mail etc.).
Therefore we can offer comprehensive consultation and support to you.
Gladly we are also helpful to you in the conception of new installations in the form of technical concepts,
hardware suggestions and the setup of the appropriate software.
For small to medium-size companies we also care for the complete IT infrastructure from the server
to the workstation.
In the last years we attained additionally specialized knowledge within the range of database-
supported server configurations.
By this technology maintenance costs and thus the operating cost of servers with large user
number can be lowered substantially.
We help you also here during the introduction of these technologies to your IT infrastructure.
A further important point, which gets more significance to our work ever before,
is the remote access to data and remote maintenance of systems,
e.g. by the employment of virtual private networks and appropriate remote maintenance software.
IT Service
10. January 2009 - Modern electronical devices are very easy to handle,
at least the advertisement promise this, which is partial right.
If it comes to concerns of small companies, then the error however often is in the detail.
Often the problems begin with

Merry Christmas
22. December 2005 - Like every year we want to take the opportunity to thank all customers,
business partners and friends for the very good cooperation during the last year.
In 2005 we could strengthen our market position and also expand our knowledge
in many
